There are two types of publications related to the EUSFLAT 2025 Conference. The first is the full paper in the conference proceedings. The full papers will be reviewed by independent reviewers and in the case of their acceptance, they will be published in Lecture Notes Computer Science (LNCS) series, by Springer. The second type of publication is the abstract. The submitted abstracts will be considered by the programme committee mainly from the scope, relevance and the novelty points of view and in the case of their acceptance, they will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Full papers in the EUSFLAT 2025 proceedings
For further insights, you might find it helpful to explore previous EUSFLAT proceedings available on SpringerLink at
Abstracts in the joint Book of Abstracts
Preparing abstracts: Submitted abstracts are supposed to be of at most 1-page length. There is neither LaTeX nor MS Word format template as just a plain text is expected. The authors should submit their papers electronically, written in English, due to the given deadline, through EasyChair.
Submitting abstracts: The abstract must be submitted through EasyChair system. Do not enclose any attachment, edit the abstract directly in the online window of the EasyChair system. In the system you can choose one of the proposed special sessions, the general track of EUSFLAT 2025.
Publishing abstracts: The accepted abstracts will be published in a separate Book of Abstracts published by the University of Latvia.
The Book will be equipped with ISBN number and it will contain also abstracts from the full papers submitted to the proceedings.
This book will serve as a working material and an online copy will be distributed to all attendants at the conference site.